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Occasional Places

Preps Places

The Mulberry House School offers an advanced Preps Programme which runs from Reception to Year 2. For more information, please click here. Places are filled from the school’s nursery and nursery children are given priority for places. If your child is between the ages of 2 and 4+, we recommend applying for an occasional place in the school’s nursery for the best chance in obtaining a Preps Place.

Reception and Year 1 places may become available on an occasional basis. We are able to accept pupils mid-way through the academic year.

Families with children entering our Preps Classes will be invited in for an individual or small group tour. Children will spend this time in the classroom taking part in activities to ensure they will be able to manage with the advanced curriculum we offer.

In the Prep Classes, we offer the following types of places:

Type Times Dates
Core Day 8:45am – 3:15pm Monday to Friday, 40 weeks per year
Full Day 8:00am – 5:45pm Monday to Friday, over an extended year

To enquire for a Preps place, please follow the registration process below.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Places may become available after 2+ entry on an occasional basis. To find out more about the Early Years Curriculum, please click here. These places can come up at any stage and will usually be offered for the following term. To apply for an occasional place in the Early Years Foundation Stage (2+ to 4+ years), please follow the registration process here.

The Registration Process - Preps Places


Register for an Open Morning

Please complete the form found here, to be able to download a copy of the schools’ prospectus and to register for an Open Morning.


Attend an Open Morning

These visits offer you the opportunity to look around the school, learn more about our approach to learning and childcare, and of course to ask any questions you may have. They usually take place on Wednesday mornings. For these visits, we ask you to bring your child with you and they will spend a short period of time in the classroom working with their peers.


Submit a Registration

Once you have attended an Open Morning you can then register for a place.