These graphs represent the high academic standard achieved at the school. Assessment of children’s work takes place both internally and is externally moderated with other schools. These results and the outcome of assessments for next schools at 4+ and 7+ show that the curriculum is appropriately challenging to enable all children to succeed.
Early Years Foundation Stage – 2016- 17 Results Comparison against National Averages
Despite our non-selection policy, we continue to exceed National Averages in the in all areas of the EYFS. Whilst there have been small fluctuations over the past five years, our 2016-17 cohort performed 28% higher than other children nationally.

Nationally, Reading, Writing and Numbers continue to be the three goals with the lowest percentage meeting or exceeding the Early Learning Goals. However, The MHS cohort achieved 94% in Reading and Writing and 100% in Numbers.
Phonics Screening Check
At the end of Year 1, State Funded Schools are required to carry our the Phonics’ screening check for all children. Mulberry House carries this check out a year earlier at the end of Reception.
Nationally, at the end of Year 1, 81% of children are reaching the screening threshold. In comparison, 94% of Mulberry House Reception aged children are meeting the screening threshold a year ahead of target.