These graphs represent the high academic standard achieved at the school. Assessment of children’s work takes place both internally and is externally moderated with other schools. These results and the outcomes of assessments for next schools at 4+ and 7+ show that the curriculum is appropriately challenging to enable all children to succeed.
Despite our non-selection policy, pupils continue to exceed National Averages in all areas of the EYFS. Our 2022-23 cohort, performed 38.4% higher than other children nationally with 94% of pupils achieving at least the expected level at the end of Reception.
Having exceeded expectations within the EYFS, the cohort have also been assessed against the outcomes in Year 1. 95% of the cohort are also meeting the Year 1 expectations within Maths, 71% of pupils are meeting expectations within Reading and Writing, 75% are meeting expectations within Science, 70% are meeting expectations in History and 71% of pupils are meeting expectations within Geography.
Having exceeded expectations within the EYFS, the cohort have also been assessed against the outcomes in Year 1. 95% of the cohort are also meeting the Year 1 expectations within Reading, Writing and Science. 91% of the cohort are also achieving the Year 1 expectations in Maths a year ahead of national expectations and 86% of pupils are meeting expectations in Year 1 in History.
Each year, The Mulberry House School carries out a LAMDA program with its Nursery class. In 2023, 100% of pupils passed the examinations with 7% of pupils achieving a Merit grade and 93% of pupils achieving a Distinction grade. In 2023, 93% of pupils scored at least 80% in their Solo Introductory Stage 1 Graded Examination, awarding them with a Distinction.
Having exceeded expectations within the EYFS, the cohort have also been assessed against the outcomes in Year 1. 95% of the cohort are also meeting the Year 1 expectations within Reading, Writing and Science. 91% of the cohort are also achieving the Year 1 expectations in Maths a year ahead of national expectations and 86% of pupils are meeting expectations in Year 1 in History.
At the end of Year 1, State Funded Schools are required to carry out the Phonics’ screening check for all children. The Mulberry House School carries this check out a year earlier at the end of Reception, in our Prep I class.
At the end of Year 1, State Funded Schools are required to carry out the Phonics’ screening check for all children. The Mulberry House School carries this check a year earlier at the end of Reception, in our Prep I class.
Nationally, at the end of Year 1, 82% of children are reaching the screening threshold. In comparison, an average of 48% of Mulberry House Reception aged children are meeting the screening threshold a year ahead of target. With 47% of Mulberry House School boys achieving the target and 50% of girls.
The same cohort of children re-took this test at the start of Year 1, with an average of 78% of Mulberry House children meeting the screening threshold a year ahead of target. With 75% of Mulberry House School boys achieving the target and 100% of girls.
Nationally, 13% of children achieve 100% in the Phonics screening check. In comparison, 16% of Mulberry House children achieved 100% a year ahead of target.
Nationally, 13% of children achieve 100% in the Phonics screening check. In comparison 32% of Mulberry House Reception aged children achieved 100% a year ahead of target.
At the end of the academic year, the school carried out the national Aspects assessment devised by Durham University. The graph below shows the children’s outcomes at the end of the year plotted out in green for the whole cohort in relation to the national average, spanning in white across the page.
At the end of the year, the average Language and Maths Development score was 71 with the National Average being 50. When we break this down further, we can see that the Girls have performed better than the Boys. The Boys’ average at the end of the year was 68 with the Girls’ average being 73. For both groups, this is now well above National expectations.
At the end of the academic year, the school carried out the national PIPS (Performance Indicators in Primary Schools) assessment devised by Durham University. The graph below shows the children’s outcomes within Reading and Maths plotted out in red for the whole cohort, against the national average in blue and the local average in green. From the data below, the cohort are working above national expectations across Reading and Mathematics.
Reading Outcomes
The Graph below shows the children’s standardised scores against a national sample in Reading. These scores show the class average in red, the local authority average in green then, the national average in blue. From the data below, we can see that the pupils at the school are performing well above the national average. At the start of the year, they were achieving an average score of 89 (with the national average being 50) and by the end of the year, they had achieved an average score of 154 (with the national average shown at 115).
Maths Outcomes
The Graph below shows the children’s standardised scores against a national sample in Maths. These scores show the class average in red, the local authority average in green then, the national average in blue. From the data below, we can see that the pupils at the school are performing well above the national average. At the start of the year, they were achieving an average score of 45 (with the national average being 28 as shown below) and by the end of the year, they had achieved an average score of 59 (with the national average shown at 45).