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Attainment Data 2017 – 2018


Nationally for Maths, 75% of pupils meet the expected outcomes for year 2 and 21% of pupils exceed expectations. At The Mulberry House School 100% of pupils achieved the expected outcomes for year 2 with 48% of pupils meeting and 52% of pupils exceeding the national expectations.

96% of our year 2 (Prep III) cohort also achieved the outcomes for year 3 in Maths, a year ahead of national expectations. With 78% of pupils meeting the national expectations and 18% of pupils exceeding the national expectations.

From the start of year 1, 54% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 1 in Maths. By the end of year 2, 100% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 1 and 2 in Maths with 95% of pupils achieving the outcomes for year 3. 33% of the cohort also achieved the outcomes for year 4 and 15% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 5.

Nationally for Reading, 76% of pupils meet the expected outcomes for year 2 and 25% of pupils exceed expectations. At The Mulberry House School 100% of pupils achieved the expected outcomes for year 2 with 26% of pupils meeting and 74% of pupils exceeding the national expectations.

96% of our year 2 (Prep III) children achieved the outcomes for year 3 in Reading, a year ahead of national expectations. With 71% of pupils meeting the national expectations and 25% of pupils exceeding the national expectations.

From the start of year 1, 43% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 1 in Reading. By the end of year 2, 100% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 1 and 2 in Reading with 96% of pupils achieving the outcomes for year 3.

Nationally for Writing, 70% of pupils meet the expected outcomes for year 2. At The Mulberry House School 100% of pupils achieved the expected outcomes with 59% of pupils meeting and 41% of pupils exceeding the national expectations.

96% of our Year 2 (Prep III) children achieved the outcomes for year 3 in Writing, a year ahead of national expectations. With 24% of pupils meeting the national expectations and 11% of pupils exceeding the national expectations.

From the start of year 1, 57% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 1 in Writing. By the end of year 2, 100% of the cohort achieved the outcomes for year 1 and 2 in Writing with 96% of pupils achieving the outcomes for year 3.