In KS1, the children accomplish a strong level of proficiency and independence in their use of technology and digital media. As well as refining word processing and presentation skills through publishing activities, the children become adept in their use of the internet as an educational tool. Exploring online learning platforms such as the Google Classroom, Espresso, Purple Mash, Maths Whizz and iLearn2, the children take great pleasure in exhibiting their ideas and learning in creative ways.
Through these experiences, the children are taught about the internet’s benefits but also its disadvantages, learning key e-safety rules to help them stay safe online. Through digital photography, film-making, animation, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and the operation of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinery among a host of other activities, the children acquire a deeper understanding of the wider potential and implications of technology in their world. Tinkering with programmable toys, Lego Education engineering kits, MaKeyMaKey and BBC Microbit, the children adopt the roles of inventors, computer scientists and roboticists. Using platforms such as MakeCode, the children learn to program and control their creations using code blocks, debugging to solve problems within their algorithms should they arise.
”Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
Albert Einstein