Physical education is an important and integral part of our curriculum from the outset. Each class across the school is taught by a specialist PE coach. In the Prep classes, lessons are aimed at developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, for example, through athletics and gymnastics as well as running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination for competitive games and athletics. Sessions also include a focus on swimming and dance. Throughout the year the children participate in an annual Sports Day and football tournament as well as visits from inspirational speakers such as Olympic athletes and external trips to Lords cricket ground. Sportsmanship and effort are the key characteristics that we hope to instil in our pupils in order to encourage a lifelong love and enjoyment of sport and physical activity.
Embedded into our curriculum is an emphasis on our pupils to lead healthy, active lives. Throughout the year they participate in a range of events including; Healthy Eating Week, Well-being Week, Happy Body, Happy Me Week as well as visits from the local GP surgery, dentist and a nutritionist. Our belief is that a balanced, healthy, nutritious diet is important for the development of a child’s physical wellbeing, as well as for their intellectual abilities.
”We all have dreams but in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort
Jesse Owens