Carbon Zero Week
During this week, the children completed activities around ‘Zero Carbon’. The children became more aware of the impact carbon footprint has on our environment. During the week they completed the following activities
- If at any point during the week it rained, the children collected rainwater and used this to water their class plants.
- If it did not rain, they looked at drought
- Why does this happen? How does this happen?
- looked at the impact this has on our environment.
Pupils Parliament
The Pupil Parliament were very excited to find out that they had the chance to update the parents and carers on what they have been doing so far. They had the autonomy to lead what they wanted to share with the parents which allowed them to work in a team as well as, confidence to share the knowledge of what they already know about saving water. We set up a call with our eco-parent ambassador to discuss
The children have become more confident with completing short survey’s after they have been competing one for food waste, they decided to keep track of the amount of plastic waste what have at our school. To do this, the children during snack time have been busy collating evidence for the amount of plastic the children bring into school for their snack. They found out that the Prep III children had the most amount of items that were not good for the environment.
After the children have completed the survey, they decided that to help reduce our plastic waste it would be great to send out a poster to suggest what items should be found inside the snack and lunch box.
The children have become more confident with completing short survey’s after they have been competing one for food waste, they decided to keep track of the amount of plastic waste what have at our school. To do this, the children during snack time have been busy collating evidence for the amount of plastic the children bring into school for their snack. They found out that the Prep III children had the most amount of items that were not good for the environment.
To help parents and carers to become more eco-friendly, the children got involved to create ‘eco ways of travelling’ to suggest to parents and carers of the ways they can travel to school to help reduce our carbon footprint.
Printing free day
To help monitor our energy and waste usage, we organised a day where the staff planned lessons that did not need a printer and had only activities which included digital technology and interactive play. The Pupils Parliament have helped to create two challenges for Prep classes and EYFS.
They have used their understanding carbon footprint, by looking at the most common impact affecting our community – air pollution. The children are aware of how we can, as individuals, reduce our carbon footprint!