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Donating to charity

The children have been learning about ways to be more sustainable. They have been looking at the effects of waste. During the half term, the children had the opportunity to donate clothes to a charity helping them get through the winter and reducing waste.

Monitoring food waste

Our Lunch Assistants and the MPs are kindly monitoring our school food waste by measuring the amount the children across the second school is wasting. They have used their findings to come up with Spring Term 2023 menu and shared this with our School’s Nutritionist.

Classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total Waste
Prep I 8 children did not finish 3 children did not finish 10 children have eaten 6 children did not finish 15 children have eaten 1 child did not eat 8 children have eaten 8 children did not finish 26
Prep II 2 children did not finish 1 children did not finish 3 children did not finish 9 children have eaten 3 children did not finish 5 children did not finish 14
Prep III 3 children did not finish 4 children did not finish 4 children did not finish 12 children have eaten 7 children did not finish 8 children did not finish 26
Badgers 7 children did not finish 10 children did not finish 4 children did not finish 6 children did not finish 3 children did not finish 30
Epsilon 3 children did not finish 5 children did not finish 5 children did not finish 7 children did not finish 5 children did not finish 25

The Eco Ministers have been monitoring our school food waste. During snack, the children took the left over sandwiches and put them into the food compost bin. They will see overtime what happens to the food in the bin. This will be something they will continue to monitor and evaluate.

The Felix Project

The children have been learning about ways to be more sustainable. They have been looking at the effects of waste. During the half term, the children had the opportunity to donate clothes to a charity helping them get through the winter and reducing waste.