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UN Rights Respecting School

We are extremely proud to have been designated as a Silver UN Rights Respecting School.

Children’s Rights are enshrined in international law. The UNCRC is not a charter that countries, governments or their representatives can ignore – it is part of negotiating the best approach to ensuring a child’s wellbeing in every country across the world. The charter identifies children as ‘Rights Holders’ and furthermore, it identifies adults, whether part of the government or whether teachers or parents, as ‘Duty Bearers’ upon whom the duty to uphold the rights of children is incumbent. The nature of children’s rights are inherent, inalienable, indivisible, universal and unconditional.

To learn more on UNCRC click here

Under Articles 2, 3, 6 and 12, the Convention has four general principles, underneath or within which all other articles sit. Our pupils are taught that their rights do not end when they reach adulthood, but that they are enshrined within the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, which form the basis of international humanitarian law.

Rights Respecting Schools take a Child Rights based approach towards all that they do, and at The Mulberry House School, we believe that the reach this approach takes, goes far beyond our school gates. The best interests of each child are a top priority in all of our actions and we are committed to placing the values and principles of the Convention at the heart of all of our policies and practices. Our whole school community is learning about the convention with a shared understanding to work for global justice and sustainable living; stakeholders learn about rights through special training, the school curriculum, weekly newsletters, assemblies, class charters, displays around school, and through a special focus on different rights from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child across the school year. As Duty Bearers to our pupils, we model rights-respecting language and attitudes throughout all aspects of school life. By making strategic decisions that involve our pupils, our school community teaches and learns through rights; empowered, the children play a highly active role in their own learning, they develop as rights respecting citizens and become reliable ambassadors for the rights of others.