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Attainment Data 2016 – 2017

Prep III (Key Stage 1) – 2016-17 Results Comparison against National Results

Prep III (Key Stage 1) pupils performed well above the expected National results for attainment.

For Reading the National result is 51% of pupils meeting the expected levels and 25% of pupils exceeding the expected levels. 53% of Mulberry House pupils meet the expected level with 47% exceeding the expected levels.

For Writing, the National result is 52% of pupils meeting the expected levels and 16%  of pupils exceeding the expected levels. 32% of Mulberry House pupils meet the expected level with 62% exceeding the expected levels.

Nationally, writing continues to be an area of improvement.

For Maths, the National result is 54% of pupils meeting the expected levels and 21% of pupils exceeding the expected levels. 21% of Mulberry House pupils meet the expected level with 79% exceeding the expected levels.

Nationally, the trend is for Girls to out-perform boys in all subjects.

The 2016-17 Cohort differed from National trends, with 54% of boys exceeding the expected levels of Reading against 33% of girls.

Again with writing, thew cohort differed from National trends, with 69% of boys exceeding the expected levels of Writing against 33% of girls.

The performance gap in Maths is reversed with 83% of girls exceeding the expected levels against 77% percent of boys.

2015-16 and 2016-17 Comparison Data

The percentage of children meeting or exceeding the expected level for Reading nationally has increased slightly from last year, with a 6% increase in children exceeding the expected levels. Mulberry House has seen an increase of 21% of children exceeding the expected levels in Reading compared to last year. This is 15% above the national increase.

The percentage of children meeting or exceeding the expected level for Writing nationally has increased slightly from last year, with a 7% increase in children exceeding the expected levels. Mulberry House has seen a huge increase of 42% of children exceeding the expected levels in Writing compared to last year. This is 35% above the national increase.

The percentage of children meeting or exceeding the expected level for Maths nationally has increased slightly from last year, with a 8% increase in children exceeding the expected levels. Mulberry House has seen a huge increase of 42% of children exceeding the expected levels in Maths compared to last year.  This is 34% above the national increase.