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How to support your child’s learning at home

By January 10, 2020June 1st, 2020No Comments

Developing your child’s knowledge of the world around them extends far beyond the perimeters of the school grounds – and it’s important to remember that every child has their own unique way of processing new information.

In recent years, there’s been a plethora of research published about the links between academic success and regularly completing homework. It’s generally believed that while homework can bring significant benefits for secondary school pupils, it actually has a negligible effect on pupils at primary school. Homework can take a toll on children’s emotional and mental wellbeing too, with 56 per cent of pupils confessing that they find homework stressful and a number of studies linking it to sleep disruption.

Many schools, including ourselves, have made the decision to no longer assign homework to our pupils – with exceptions made for spelling, reading and times tables. Spending as little as 10 minutes revisiting a topic that’s already been covered at school will not only help to gently consolidate your child’s knowledge, but it’s been proven to be much more effective than an hour or two spent on a traditional homework assignment.

There are a number of ways in which you can support your child’s learning outside of the classroom, while also developing their independence and strengthening the bond between the two of you.

Embrace additional learning resources

Despite growing concerns that children spend too much time on digital devices, when used in moderation they can be a really valuable way to supplement a child’s learning at their own pace. All pupils at The Mulberry House School can benefit from a pre-paid subscription to Espresso, Purple Mash and Maths Whizz. These three platforms are a brilliant way to build on your child’s existing knowledge and mirror subjects covered in our curriculum.
For a little extra support with literacy, practical maths and times tables, traditional textbooks and guides are equally helpful. Schofield & Sims and Bond both offer a range of straightforward, easy-to-understand guide books which are available to purchase online.

Remember to read regularly

Parents reading aloud to their children is a tale as old of time in itself, but its impact shouldn’t be underestimated. Studies have shown that reading a bedtime story to your child will help to enrich their vocabulary, which in turn allows them to express themselves more clearly. Children who are surrounded by books in the home are also said to be much more likely to fall in love with reading.

Choosing to read for pleasure is a crucial part of shaping your child’s attitude towards reading, enhancing their cognitive development and igniting their innermost imagination. Plus, their literacy and comprehension skills will begin to flourish both inside and outside of the classroom.

Undertake independent research

When teachers are able to tailor an independent research project to each child’s own abilities and interests, these assignments can be incredibly beneficial. Even the simplest research project can provide an opportunity for the pupil to present their findings to their peers, exercising their public speaking skills and boosting their confidence levels.

Many children relish in the chance to explore a new topic which hasn’t been covered at school, and without realising, they’ll be picking up invaluable skills which will be built on in their next stage of education. Even better, they’ll gradually begin to develop a love of learning about the world around them – a principle which is at the heart of everything we do here at The Mulberry House School.