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Attainment Data 2018-2019


These graphs represent the high academic standard achieved at the school. Assessment of children’s work takes place both internally and is externally moderated with other schools. These results and the outcome of assessments for next schools at 4+ and 7+ show that the curriculum is appropriately challenging to enable all children to succeed.

Despite our non-selection policy, pupils who have been at the school since 2 years old continue to exceed National Averages in all areas of the EYFS. Our 2018-19 cohort, (for pupils who were at the school from 2 years old) performed 16% higher than other children nationally.

Nationally, Reading, Writing and Numbers continue to be the two goals with the lowest percentage of pupils meeting the expected level. However, The Mulberry House School cohort (from 2 years old) out performed national expectations with 98% of pupils in Maths and 95% of pupils in Literacy achieving the expected level. The Mulberry House School cohort (including the pupils joining the school in Reception) still performed above national expectations with 89% of pupils in Maths and 80% of pupils in Literacy achieving the expected levels.


At the end of Year 1, State Funded Schools are required to carry out the Phonics’ screening check for all children. The Mulberry House School carries this check out a year earlier at the end of Reception.

At the end of Year 1, State Funded Schools are required to carry out the Phonics’ screening check for all children. The Mulberry House School carries this check out a year earlier at the end of Reception.

Due to results being scrapped this year, we have based our results on the national outcomes in 2019.

Nationally, at the end of Year 1, 80% of children reached the screening threshold. In comparison, 100% of The Mulberry House School Reception aged children met the screening threshold a year ahead of target. With 100% of The Mulberry House School Boys girls reaching the target a year early.

Nationally, 13% of children achieve 100% in the Phonics screening check. In comparison 15% of The Mulberry House School Reception aged children achieved 100% a year ahead of target.


This year The Mulberry House School ran its first LAMDA program with our Nursery class. 100% of pupils passed the examinations with 50% of the cohort achieving a Pass grade, 36% of pupils achieving a Merit grade and 14% of pupils achieving a Distinction grade. In 2019, 6 out of 7 pupils that received a Distinction grade scored at least 80% in their Solo Introductory Stage 1 Graded Examination.